Listed Magazines
From the following magazines snippets are included:
1908: 1908-Country Life-The Orkney Herald & The Shetland Times - The Shetland Collie
1909: 1909-AKC Gazette - Toy Collies
1912: 1912-Country Life In America - The Case Fore The Modern Collie
1915: 1915-Field Illustrated - Training The Farm Dog
1918: 1918-The New Country Life - Our Own Dog Show - A condensed reference manual of the breeds of dog
1919: 1919-The National Geographic Magazine - Collie
1934: 1934-Le Sport Universel - La 60e Exposition Internationale Canine De Paris (suite)
1950: 1950-Unser Rassehund Club für Britische Hütehunde
1952: 1952-Der Hund Spezialzuchtgemeinschaft Collie, Sheltie, Bobtail